Dear colleagues,
This Questionnaire will enable us to assess the quality of our devices. Please fill out this Questionnaire and send it to our Organization

Name of medical institution*

Profile of medical institution

Contact person and position*



1. Have you had problems using our devices?

2. Are you satisfied with the time of delivery? Choose from 1 to 5, where 1 – absolutely unsatisfied; 5 – absolutely satisfied.

3. Are you satisfied with the quality of our devices? Choose from 1 to 5, where 1 – absolutely unsatisfied; 5 – absolutely satisfied.

4. Estimate the convenience of work with our devices, choose from 1 to 5, where 1 – absolutely inconvenient; 5 – absolutely convenient. If your answer is less than 5 – leave comments.

5. Estimate the effectiveness of our devices? choose from 1 to 5, where 1 – treatment is ineffective and/or associated with big difficulties; 5 – absolutely effective, no problems detected. If your answer is less than 5 – provide comments.

6. Based on the patients’ feedback estimate treatment with the use of our devices? choose from 1 to 5, where 1 – very unpleasant; 5 – causes no discomfort. If your answer is less than 5 – provide comments.

Leave your additional comments on the above questions or other issues.

What other factors shall be considered by the manufacturer? Write your recommendations, remarks
